Weight Loss


Imagine positive changes in your life when you achieve your ideal weight. As you may know, weight gain can be caused by many factors such as stress, emotional health, bad habits, lack of motivation, food cravings, and other issues. Permanent healthy weight loss requires more than just dieting and exercising. We need to create healthy lifestyles and habits. 

Hypnosis can help reduce stress, which is a common cause of overeating or making unhealthy food choices. In hypnosis, we use a holistic and safe approach empowering you to gain control, develop healthy eating habits, change your relationship with food, and lose weight naturally. We get to the root cause of the problem, set realistic goals, address emotional factors, and customize the weight loss program based on your specific issues. The effects of hypnosis for weight loss will intensify with time and with more therapeutic sessions.

Reiki for weight loss

Reiki sessions could also be helpful when it comes to losing weight. Studies have shown that stress and lack of sleep can cause imbalances in certain hormones responsible for weight gain. Clients who receive Reiki report better sleep, feel more relaxed, and calm in general. Reiki can also bring guidance and clearance for any issue that needs a solution.